Adapting Your Automation

A common question we are asked is how our product creates a sustainable approach for manufacturing applications as they continue to grow and adapt. Thinking of conveyance as the foundation of your current – and future – automation system is critical for your future operations. Smart Conveyance offers a unique opportunity to keep businesses consistently profitable because it makes automation easily scalable and adaptable to product changes with minimal effort. Our customers are often seeking a scalable and re-deployable automation solution, and they know that SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ offers the platform that enables it. 

When your product changes, can your manufacturing process change with it? 

Redeployable automation is critical to remaining competitive in an ever-changing market. When products change–customer requirements increase in complexity or companies need to scale, automation is the best solution for a long-term manufacturing strategy. 

The How:


SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ platforms are modular by design. Quickly add or remove one-meter sections and easily reconfigure functionality with minimal programming using TrakMaster™ software. For example, engineers or system designers can scale system programming by adding additional stations and processes utilizing target routing within TrakMaster™. 

This high-performance capability is achieved with less effort because of the integrated functionality packed into the platform. So, when a product has reached the end of its life cycle, it doesn’t mean your conveyance foundation has, either.

Make your ROI make sense by investing in conveyance solutions that can grow and adapt to your business. 

Smart Conveyance simplifies automating and adapting to product changes for sustained profitability. SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ is great Scaling and Redeploying Automation.

Built for the needs of today’s manufacturers.

The SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ platform provides machine builders with several features that enable high-performance automation with less risk. 

Powered by linear servo motor technology, SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ allows independent shuttle control with fast and precise motion, providing automation designers with incredible flexibility to increase productivity and minimize space. 

Is Conveyance Gating Your Growth? It Shouldn’t Be.

Watch the free on-demand webinar to learn how your choices in conveyance can improve your complete system design and allow assembly operations to scale more effectively. 

Learn more about:

Considering conveyance early in your factory automation’s design phase changes how you design your system.

One of the major costs and factors impacting your overall ROI is the amount of floor space you need to operate. 

Understanding the conveyance system’s motion capability determines what needs to be built on top of it.

How does a partnership develop a solution that allows this machine builder to design highly flexible automation?