GO, SuperTrak, GO!
How does a client download SuperTrak software
- All our software is downloadable from LeapFILE (TrakMaster, PLC starter code, etc…)
- Access is restricted to existing clients
- The tech sales team is in charge of creating accounts for clients
- Send an email to Javan with client emails
- The client will receive credentials once account is created
- WARNING: inform the client to keep credentials – will be needed for software updates
- Software is updated on a quarterly basis, clients are informed through our newsletter (need to register)
How does a client access SuperTrak Academy eCourses
- Academy eCourses are accessible from ATSLearn
- Access is restricted to paid customers, for a limited time
- Account creation is happening at receival of the PO including the Academy purchase
- You will need to provide client emails + Academy curriculum for account creation at time of purchase
- The client will receive credentials once account is created
- WARNING: inform the client to keep credentials – will be needed for future access
What is Easy Sync and how does my client access it?
- Easy Sync is a TrakMaster feature that enables synchronizing shuttles with an external master signal, in a region of the track
- It is easy to implement but is limited to constant speed synchronization
- It is included in the standard TrakMaster offering for free
- Check this blog for more information
What is anti-slosh and how does my client access it?
- anti-slosh is a TrakMaster feature that enables shuttle motion that avoid spilling liquids (special profiles)
- It is included in the standard TrakMaster offering for free
- Check this video for more information
What is required for regular maintenance (inc. shuttle removal)
- all regular maintenance happens at the shuttle level, and can be performed in a timely fashion with limited training
- see this video for more information
- the operation manual of each product describes all maintenance and repairs procedures, including boards etc…
- you can also review the SuperTrak Academy eCourse ST501 – Preventive Maintenance, part of the Controls Engineer curriculum (requires VPN to access your own ATS learn and review/demo)
How does SuperTrak communicate with the PLC?
- SuperTrak communicates with teh PLC through Status and Commands messages
- Status and Commands are documented in the TrakMaster online help
- Status and Commands are also described in the SuperTrak Academy eCourse ST305 – PLC and Controls Interface, part of the Controls Engineer curriculum (requires VPN to access your own ATS learn and review/demo)
Why are simulations important?
- The motion of shuttles can become complex on SuperTrak, and simple models are not enough to design and optimize a system
- TrakMaster includes a motion and physics simulator that enables to design a system without having a track, and still get accurate data on how it performs
- This also helps understanding the power requirements (number of power supplies, where to locate them on a track)
- See this blog for more information
How do I explain the value of asynchronous motion?
Independent Shuttle Control empowers more cost-effective and space-saving designs:
- avoid duplication of parallel stations
- use offsets instead of duplicating tooling
- reduce the size of buffers
- optimize the use of every station and simplify your system
- change pitch and eliminate voids
Use SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ as an asynchronous conveyor to reduce the cost and size of the final assembly machine.
The Independent Shuttle Control video on the home page does a good job at showing it.
How do I know if my application is a good fit for SuperTrak?
- we have a Go – No Go guide available on the “evaluating SuperTrak” page
- See this video for more explanation
How does my client get support from the SuperTrak team?
How does my client request a quote
The fastest way to request a quote is to use the SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ online configurator (orange banners all across the website)
How it works:
- the user can create an account on her own
- there is a tutorial video
- create 1 or multiple configurations with 1 or several tracks, according to your specs
- review bill of material, add comments
- submit for quote
- it works 24/7
A task will automatically be created in salesforce, and the tech sales team will receive the request + create a budgetary offer that the salesperson can then use
The usual turnaround is usually less than 1 business day when no discussion with the user is needed
What open documentation exists for my prospects?
Evaluating SuperTrak and Engineering Guidelines
SuperTrak HORIZON10™ technical documents
SuperTrak VERTICAL10™ technical documents
SuperTrak PHARMA8™ technical documents
Videos showing real machines
In order to see properly videos on this website, you must enable cookies
The Symphoni system is a high-throughput based on SuperTrak HORIZON10, check video on this page
- ask Thomas or Eugen