Benefits Of Automation

There are a variety of reasons why we automate. The circumstances are generally unique to the business in terms of the unique needs of the time, however, they commonly fall into one of 3 ‘categories’ listed below. Every investment in our business, automation included, is about improving our effectiveness. Enabling an increase in any of these categories allows us to reap the advantages of automation drives a return on the investment we are making (in both time
and dollars).

Increase Manufacturing Throughput

Optimize Space

Why is this a benefit of automation?

Automation offers more performance in a compact footprint and can be configured to increase floorspace.

How SuperTrak™ enables more effective production


Independent shuttle control is a gamechanger in overall system design.  The ability to vary pitch throughout the system drives maximum utilization of every component in the system.  The end result is fewer system components, operating at higher utilization, which drives more parts in less space.

More Parts. Less Space.

Increase Production Rate

Why is this a benefit of automation?

A key benefit of automation is that systems can require little human interaction and offer more availability with little downtime.

How Supertrak™ enables more effective production


Linear Motion products are highly reliable, given they have few moving components. With nearly 20 years of deployment experience in some of the world’s most demanding automation applications, SuperTrak is a proven foundation for world-class automation.


Use fewer system components.

Quality Improvements


Why is this a benefit of automation?

Automation systems are capable of high speeds to produce more with less chance of error.

How Supertrak enables more effective production

Repeatability (+/- 10um) on shuttle precision, in combination with speed and acceleration performance, drives consistency of process not possible with alternative conveyance options.

Highly Repeatable.


Error Identification

Why is this a benefit of automation?

Data on process variables and manufacturing performance flowing the other way will be recorded for quality assurance.

How Supertrak “enables” more effective production

Part motion data is critical to our understanding of the automation process. A smart conveyance foundation can offer insight at every step, identifying issues before they occur.

Critical System Data.

More Availability

Increase Flexibility

Why is this a benefit of automation?

Easily scale your business at a rate that makes sense to you.

How Supertrak™ enables more effective production

Automation small to large, slow to fast, and everything in between can be done on a modular SuperTrak platform. Multi-SKU manufacturing options have become attainable due to individual shuttle control.

It is a foundation that can scale, adapt, or be re-configured based on the needs of the business.

Multi-Product (or SKU) Manufacturing.

Eliminate Staffing Concerns

Why is this a benefit of automation?

Automate tasks that traditionally are unsafe or are hard to fill by humans.

How Supertrak “enables” more effective production

Control is a critical need for a machine builder and our TrakMaster interface puts our partners in control of the automation foundation.

With decades of experience driving built-in functionality, configure SuperTrak as you need for your unique application.

Configured, not coded.

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TrakMaster™ Software – Simulation Capabilities

TrakMaster™ Software can turn your outline into a realistic simulation with a high level of insights.

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Reducing Floorspace by 44%

How one manufacturing company gained back floor space and increased throughput. You know that in today’s manufacturing space you need to be flexible enough to adapt quickly. You need to efficiently adapt to changing market demands. Likely, you’ve already tried to figure out how to effectively expand your production lines as demand has increased …

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Ask the Expert – How does SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ enable an improved OEE?

Join Simon Drexler, General Manager, as he discusses OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) and how the technology behind the SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ enables an improved OEE.

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